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Archive for the category “TechCareers Series”

Vibrating tattoos show potential of technical careers

Nokia, a Finnish-based company, has come up with a patent to prevent people from ever missing another ping from their phone. Sometimes your phone can be in the other room, on silent, or you might just be too distracted to notice it through your pocket. The way Nokia suggests you may be able to do this is through a tattoo. The magnetic ink will vibrate along with your phone to ensure you note your phone is calling to you.

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Women: Take Advantage of Increased Wind Energy Opportunities

Consumers continue to demand alternative energy as the wind energy industry grows. Many are seeking training in wind energy fields to take advantage of the job increase, but one major demographic is missing out.

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Innovations in Biomedical Technology Promise Bright Future for Biomedical Equipment Technicians

The biomedical engineering field is continuously developing means of making healthcare dreams more of a reality and providing patients with a more convenient method of treatment. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently announced the first successful test of a microchip in a human that eventually could take the place of daily prescription shots.

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Wind Energy Blows Life into many Industries

When you think of wind energy, you may visualize physicists designing wind farms, technicians maintaining the turbines or many of the other career paths available in wind energy, but do you consider who makes the turbines?

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Pilot Field Still Soaring

Technical careers in the field of aviation abound. Texas State Technical College is evidence of that in the number of aviation programs (five). The TechCareer series by TSTC Publishing includes Avionics with Aviation Pilots slated for a Feb. 1 release.

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Technical Careers Offer Job Security in Tough Times

Saving money, clipping coupons, cutting up credit cards; these are all ways to help yourself during an economic crisis. How is the job industry saving money? Cutting jobs. Read more…

Wind Energy Careers on the Rise

Every time you turn on a light, open your fridge, charge your cell phone or play a video game, you don’t think of where the electricity that powers it comes from. Electricity is like oxygen: life sustaining, all around and at the same time, invisible.

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Auto Technicians Offer Good Job Opportunity

Below is a summary of the second book in the TechCareers Series: Automotive Technology.

“In today’s world of technologically advanced cars, an automotive tech can have a successful, long-term career and make a comfortable living.”

So, if you loved helping your dad repair the family car, if you loved being underneath the body of an automobile on the flat, rolling cart and if you loved smelling gasoline and grease mixed together, becoming an automotive technician might be the career path for you. TechCareers: Automotive Technicians is your guide to entering the career field of automotive repair and maintenance.

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